Google & Amazon Make Shocking Announcements
Two announcements surprised business analysts worldwide, with these revelations on the Google Company and Amazon Corporation. April 18th marked the date that Google confirmed Zoom, a videoconferencing software for global audiences, won’t be permitted for usage amongst their employees. This follows after Zoom has become the top competitor against Meet, a rival platform developed in-house at Google’s California offices.
Employed individuals with Google are more than likely disappointed with this announcement. Meet is considerably worse than Zoom when accounting for connection standards. However, Zoom has because a security risk for countless companies and large-scale corporations like Google have forced the banning of this video conferencing platform. It follows after anybody can enter into a video conference without permission. Apple and Microsoft have forced their employees to stop using Zoom as well. Google employees that don’t remove the Zoom application will have it forcibly removed from their laptops and handsets.
Amazon Resumes Non-Essential Shipping
Another surprising announcement that didn’t exclusively shock business analysts but also medical experts worldwide was the announcement that Amazon would enable Third-Party Sellers to provide shipping options with Non-Essential items. This announcement is surprising because less than two weeks ago, Amazon representatives confirmed that stocks wouldn’t be associated with cleaning and medical supplies. It appears the immediate loss in finances prompted Jeff Bezos and other executives within Amazon to revert on their assistance, which was slated to be active until April 30th.
Consumers will now unknowingly be purchasing products from Chinese Retailers, which could prompt an increased outbreak of COVID-19. These concerns follow after testing facilities have found medical supplies from China are defective. It should be noted that inadequate medical supplies hadn’t come from this communist regime until after the novel coronavirus broke-out. Numerous individuals in global politics believe China actively participated in spreading this virus.
These individuals extend towards civilians located in China, who have risked their lives and freedom to express the actual conditions of their nation. It’s been mentioned that civilians with the novel coronavirus were taken by force, placed into metal containers without any breathing apparatus, and then transported to unknown destinations. Death percentages throughout China are anticipated to be considerably higher than what the government has revealed. However, this is what happens when dealing with a communist regime.